Steve and Lisa Lohoff are local Realtors at Town and Country Realty specializing in Boone lake Properties. Steve and Lisa have over 28 years combined Real Estate experience and knowledge to help serve each and every client. Steve is an ETSU graduate, originally from Wisconsin and Lisa is a UCF graduate, originally from Tennessee. They met at ETSU. Steve enjoys bicycling, exercise, boating and watching sports, especially the Green Bay Packers, Lisa’s hobbies include art, kayaking, boating and volunteering. They reside in Piney Flats on Boone Lake, with their son and 2 dogs.
Steve and Lisa Lohoff are licensed in the State of Tennessee. Within the business of real estate, they are members of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the Tennessee Association of Realtors (TAR) and the Northeast Tennessee Association of Realtors (NETAR). Within the local community they are member of Kingsport Area Chamber of Commerce, Junior League of Kingsport, Kingsport Art Guilt, The Success Club, The Boone Lake Association and attend Celebration Church.